Morning coffee and registration
Professor Dr Andrew Sharman will be welcoming all attendees to the (6th Annual!) 2023 EHS Congress by a short opening speech, introducing the guidelines to the event, specific venue HSE information and of course the upcoming speakers.
7:00 - 08:00 AM
Main Conference Room
Keynote: How structure creates culture
It is often thought that the way to create a culture of safety is to use education campaigns to win the hearts and minds of the workforce. I argue that, on the contrary, the structure of the organisation is the key. In particular, in hazardous industries organisational structures need to be designed to empower technical experts - by making them answerable to the top of the organisation, not to local business unit managers. In short, the technical functions need to be centralised, not decentralised.
8:20 - 08:50 AM
Main Conference Room
Keynote: The journey towards World Class Health and Safety in a diversified energy company
What does World class Health & Safety look like if your business reaches from Nuclear and Hydro power plants to Service and field technicians?
With a strengthened H&S ambition and a common H&S framework, Vattenfall has started the journey to ensure a sustainable performance and a strong culture from a health and safety perspective. Common focus areas, objectives/targets and standards will give high impact, but the actions to get there will be different and depends on the nature and maturity of the business. Vattenfall Generation is developing towards the H&S ambition through business relevant actions related to management attention, steering, governance and metrics, transparency, culture programs and cross business cooperation. Stay tuned for this best praxis sharing session.
8:50 - 09:20 AM
Main Conference Room
Panel Discussion: Safety Culture
how the 3 lines of defence model can drive a positive safety culture - Lead by leadership, Monitoring, Audit / Inspection
9:20 - 10:00 AM
Main Conference Room
Morning coffee and Networking Break
Enjoy a lengthy coffee break with snacks and local drinks while chatting with our exhibitors and fellow attendees in our foyer.
10:00 - 10:40 AM
Coffee Break Foyer
It’s time to come together and savor the flavors of the conference dinner in an informal setting. This is your chance to unwind, make lasting connections AND have fun!
6:00 - 09:00 PM
Venue Bar
Morning coffee and registration
Professor Dr Andrew Sharman will be welcoming all attendees Day 2 of the 2023 EHS Congress by a short opening speech.
7:00 - 08:00 AM
Main Conference Room
Keynote: Show Stress Who’s Boss!
With the increasing pressure on employees in a global, ever changing and less secure world of today, managing stress at work is fundamental to people’s wellbeing and to the performance of the business. It is important for organisations to understand that workplace stress can damage their bottom line, as well as the health and safety of their employees. Some of the costs of stress are obvious in terms of increased absenteeism, anxiety and depression but other costs associated with stress are hard to quantify. A structured approach from the top in tackling workplace stress is needed in order to grow a healthy corporate culture which in turn will ensure the sustainable competitive advantage of the business together with the health and wellbeing of their employees.
Key Learning Points
1. How to recognise signs and symptoms of stress
2. How stress affects people and productivity
3. The impact of stress on mental health and wellbeing
4. The importance of managers having people and technical skills
5. The role of the manager and responsibilities of employees
6. How to build an open culture where people are valued and trusted
7. The value of a workplace where wellbeing thrives, and stress does not!
8. Ways to reduce stress: strategy, interventions and support
8:10 - 08:30 AM
Main Conference Room
Keynote: Insight into a Global Wellbeing Framework, BeWell
Gary will explore the challenges and opportunities in creating a coherent and effective Global Wellbeing strategy for an organisation with a wide range of maturity in this area:
Level of Ambition
Role of Parent Company
Health & Safety or HR?
Harnessing people engagement, and
Managing expectations
In the emerging post C-19 era Welbeing is not a nice to have but a must have. We compete for talent globally and many current and future colleagues have growing expectations of our delivery in this crucial area.
8:40 - 09:10 AM
Main Conference Room
Panel Discussion: Health & Wellbeing
‘Thriving’ vs ‘surviving’
Speaking openly about health concerns (& encouraging others to do the same)
What senior leaders can do to create a strong wellbeing culture
The link between employee wellbeing, individual performance and company performance
How to integrate wellbeing into existing health and safety systems
9:10 - 09:50 AM
Main Conference Room
Morning coffee and Networking Break
Enjoy a lengthy coffee break with snacks and local drinks while chatting with our exhibitors and fellow attendees in our foyer.
9:50 - 10:30 AM
Coffee Break Foyer